We landed at Noi Bai airport, Hanoi, on Friday March 26, 2021, 11h30. All passengers had to wait and be called one by one for processing the papers before going through the usual passport checks. Interesting twist: this is the last time (for now) we saw our passports. To ensure that arriving passengers respect the 14 days quarantine, Vietnamese authorities take the passports and hand them out directly to the quarantine hotel. After picking up our luggage at the belt, we were given these nice-looking disposable blue suits:

Hopefully the kids did not need them, just simple masks. I was still wearing my cloth mask provided by Sunrise.
Then a shuttle picked up the luggage and drove us to the hotel. That was nice to be given a hand with the luggage at our arrival in Vietnam. In Singapore during our transfer, the crew was somewhat hesitant to touch them. I can understand, however after 20 hours of travel a helpful hand is not something I would decline. Hence the hotel staff picking us up in Noi Bai (Hanoi airport) were very helpful.
Upon arrival at the hotel, we went directly to our rooms. The hotel staff began spraying a bluish disinfectant on our luggage. Now our 14 days quarantine began.
Outside, Vietnam is still Vietnam!

“To ensure that arriving passengers respect the 14 days quarantine, Vietnamese authorities take the passports and hand them out directly to the quarantine hotel.”
Sorry when can we get our passports back? At the hotel when we arrive, or after we finish the quarantine?
Hello! when you leave the quarantine hotel, you get your passport back.
Wow!Dad you did realy great!And you didn’t say that the traffic was terrible!