
Until yesterday the temperature was around 38°C. I had not known such heat since summer 2003 in Paris, where we even reached 42°C. That summer I was working for my very first employer, a start-up where obviously every customer or prospect counted, big time! I remember my boss then sent me, as a junior network engineer, with the full suit and tie, visiting the headquarters of Lissac Opticians company, on rue de Rivoli. I was walking on a burning stove. The dark pavement was partially melting and most heat I felt was not coming from the direct sunrays, but from the ground. Well… 2 days ago, I had to run an errand not far away, hence I took my largest hat and went by foot. The sensation of 2003 came back, with a twist: I was wearing shorts and my calves were feeling very hot, a bit like a sunburn. Even though I was back home in less than ten minutes.

The plants look like some rain would feel nice:

I may be adapting to the local climate, since 30°C here feels like fresh air to me now. Time to burn the fat, it’s the biggest free sauna!

Sorry for not updating the blog for more than one week, I hope you are all doing fine ! I got issues uploading videos and lost too much time on this (yes, Vimeo would be easier, but I was looking for a challenge and I found it!). I’ll finish posting soon what I wanted anyway. Take care.

By Julien



  1. I remember this heat wave! It was the year the elderly were dying because of lack of a/c in the retirement homes. Nico and I lived in Paris from 2001 to 2005. Small world!

  2. Merci Julien pour tes post qui me permettent de me déconnecter du travail de cours moments.
    Je pense que l’été 2013 pas mal de monde s’en souvient !
    Perso, je suis partie en vacances dans le sud de la France, je n’oublierai jamais … manger un magnifique cassoulet à Pézenas par 35° à 23h, on dégoulinait mais qu’est-ce qu’il était bon !!! 🙂 bien à vous, Ligia

    1. Un cassoulet sous le soleil, qu’il soit bon ou pas ou doit s’en souvenir !!! j’espère que tu avais trouvé un coin pour faire la sieste après ça. Avais-tu goûté le pâté sucré de Pézenas (ou en version tourte)?

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