Other Video Hosting Platforms

Why use another video hosting service?

I am quite happy currently with Vimeo, it does the job nicely. But one day I’ll have to make a choice since their free plan stops at a total of 5GB of videos. Vimeo could change this limit at any time. Also, I am an engineer and I like to explore technical alternatives, and there are plenty of them nowadays. I recently found this review of video hosting services on “Reclaim the Net”, and of course I wanted to give it a try. Here is how it worked out for me on this self-hosted WordPress blog.


How to : here. Actually simple on WordPress: simply use an “Embed” block and paste the link to the video. That’s it! I just did it below: firstly get the link to the video from BitChute.

Then create an “embed” block in your WordPress:

In which you simply paste the link to the video:



BitChute uses peer-to-peer technology which I like because it’s extremely resilient and I think it has legitimate use cases. BitChute announced they want to further decentralize by using GunDB.

Then I read this on Wikipedia about BitChute, from the Duckduckgo search:

I had only one objective in mind: do something different. Let’s flood Bitchute with funny cats videos! or anything else. I started with a Bánh Cuốn video (popular street food, super thin steamed rice crepes). I kept getting an error 404 after upload, until I realized that none of the fields had to contain Vietnamese characters:

  • no Vietnamese characters in the filename (either the video itself, or the cover picture)
  • no Vietnamese characters in the title
  • no Vietnamese characters in the description

I think I’ll use BitChute from now on.


TL;DR: I did not use it finally.

Recent: launched in November 2020. Based on the blockchain technology. They aim to create openness by promoting a protocol instead of a platform. That looks relevant to me.

All of this sound forward-thinking, however in order to get started you are advised to download a Windows executable, which is less appealing.

If you take time to read the terms of service, they are no joke. Yes it’s a protocol, not a platform, but times are different and this is 2021, everybody need to lawyer up!

Finally you need to buy credits to be able to upload, and from Việt Nam some services seem not to be available anyway (profile verification from credit card or mobile phone).

By Julien


1 comment

  1. Merci Julien pour ces ouvertures… Nous utilisons Vimeo avec la plate-forme Learnybox… Bien pratique…
    Sur le Web les caractères accentués sont déconseillés…

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