Bánh cuốn are super thin rice crepes that are steamed, filled with minced pork and mushrooms and finally rolled. Our whole family love them! anytime my wife would visit or invite friends, especially with other French-Vietnamese couples, bánh cuốn were a sure way to please the kids and the parents too. However, making them is not easy and you need the right equipment. It’s neither rocket science, nor straightforward: a steamer pot covered with cloth. The latter is not easy to put it in place firmly, hence in our previous home we had a steamer pot just for bánh cuốn.
Last week I walked 10min in the neighborhood to buy our breakfast: I had to wait a few minutes, which means everything was freshly cooked!

Then you have different possibilities. Usually they come with a cinnamon pork sausage, pork meat ball, coriander leaves, fried onions and the ubiquitous fish sauce.

Super appétissant… Certainement délicieux, ce soir après quelques courses. Nous avons emporté d’un traiteur chinois notre dîner j’ai savouré des crêpes farcies de viande haché de porc bien grillé avec des aiguillettes oignon et concombre, puis le riz…. Excellent…
J’ai oublié de préciser la viande hachée de porc grillé farcie dans des crêpes avec salade et fins bâtonnets oignon et concombre s’appelle JING JIANG… Colette a pris un plat de nouilles œuf légumes…