Upon arrival, the landlord greeted us and took a long time to walk us through the various appliances, hidden valves, circuit breakers and all the secrets of this brand new flat. He makes himself very available.

My wife bought a papasan sofa and I do like it. So comfortable. I could only get to try it *after* the kids went to bed.
On the rooftop there is a jacuzzi, a dining table and a barbecue:
Barbecue Downstairs!
It was a happy coincidence. The landlord had a party in the street with his friends and neighbors around a barbecue. Just the day we moved in! I was glad to meet them downstairs and practice some Vietnamese. Not much I can express for now, but it’s a beginning. Menu: oysters with either garlic, herbs and peanuts otherwise melted cheese.

The beverage was rice wine infused with rose myrtle:

Maybe those few glasses are the reason why I did not update the blog on Friday evening.
The kids were very happy to play in the side street with the other children. It feels good to be outside.
Next Apéritif Coming Soon
I am looking forward to joining this one!

Ça m’a l’air tout à fait supportable la vie là-bas !
oh que oui !! juste ce dont j’avais besoin, et je n’aurais pas osé y penser. Un beau cadeau de la vie.
What a wonderful (and delicious) welcome. You guys deserve it!
Oh thank you Karin!! yes I was very happy with the way the evening unfolded. Experiencing the local life, meeting people, kids playing together, that was what we needed after the quarantine.
Profitez bien, la vie est belle il faut savoir en profiter … au plaisir de lire vos nouvelles aventures.. fait nous rêver.. bises à vous 4
Oui je suis ravi de voir toujours la grande hospitalité c’est dans leur culture d’être heureux de partager les bons produits.