In Zürich Airport

We took the plane from Zürich airport on Thursday March 25, 2021. Our accommodation was just 20min away by car, and on this early morning the taxi picked me up at 6.45AM, no traffic jams of course.

First impression, what an empty terminal #2! the taxi driver told me usually it’s filled with lots of cars, but here I just saw a few of them.

Crowded might not be the right word

Anyway, the taxi was so full of luggage that my wife and the two kids had to take the bus then the S-Bahn to the airport. That gave me 30min to breathe in and out the fresh air of Switzerland one last time, and feel the sun on my face, without a mask on. I was outside, and the only one on the parking anyway.

Inside the terminal #2, the difference between the “business” and “economy” lane was hard to find. Fastest queue ever at an airport counter! Good point, children had plenty of space to run without fear of angry, fast, heavy trolleys. However, with COVID compliance there was a noticeable longer check-in time. We had to hand out the negative tests and most of the paperwork for the visa. Excess cabin luggage incurred some fees, but with children you usually do need more stuff aboard.

Security Checks

Then off to the security checks ! here we found out that likely Zürich Airport has concentrated two terminals on the same checkpoint, because we did queue here for 20 min before clearing security. Nothing new here, usual fun of getting all the electronic devices out (yes, those that you really care for), and then quickly back in your bags when everybody’s personal items trays are piling up.

Boarding Gates: good to see people again!

Finally, we were there, at the boarding gates! they looked crowded as usual. No pictures because firstly I forgot to take one, and secondly I do not feel at ease taking a photo with not so far hence too easily recognizable faces. Anyhow, seeing plenty of people was both reassuring and much warmer than the eerily quiet terminal #2 taxi drop. We just had 30min left waiting before boarding up, even though we started checking in 3h before our flight. This brings me to…

Tip: come in early

Yes, it took us 2h30 to proceed from check-in up to the boarding gates. Obviously flying from Switzerland to Vietnam requires a bit more paperwork than if you just board a plane that does not leave the E.U. But still, those days I would advise to take plenty of time.

Categorized as Travel

By Julien

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